Focus on Eyelid Margin Health: A Consensus Statement on Demodex Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction with the Intrepid Eye Society

Activity Description

This supplement provides an in-depth summary of an expert panel discussion on the management of eyelid margin health. It focuses on achieving consensus among specialists on the diagnosis, treatment and patient communication strategies for Demodex blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction.


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The Fundingsland Group, LLC is a COPE-Approved Administrator.

COPELogo w AccreditationThis activity, COPE Activity Number 128931, is accredited by COPE for continuing education for optometrists. This course is approved for 1.50 hours of CE.

Course # 92504-TD
Activity #: 128931

COPE advises optometrists to contact the State or Provincial Board where they are licensed for verification of what is acceptable for license renewal.

Release Date: 08-14-2024
Expiration Date: 08-14-2025

Target Audience

This certified CE activity is designed for optometrists.

Grant Support Statement

This activity is supported by unrestricted educational grants from Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., Sight Sciences, Inc. and Tarsus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


